Avviż / Noticeby Aleandro Bartolo
Il-Kumitat javża li mill-partita kontra Sampdoria li se ssir fit-18 ta’ Jannar 2022, id-dħul ġewwa l-Club se jkun esklussiv ghal kull min jippreżenta ċertifikat tal-vaċċin validu biss.
Dan qiegħed isir sabiex nissalvagwardjaw saħħet il-membri tagħna u sabiex nimxu mad-direttivi imposti mid-Dipartiment tas-Saħħa.
The Club committee informs that as from the match against Sampdoria scheduled for the 18 January 2022, entrance inside the Club will be exclusive to all those in possession of a valid vaccine certificate.
This measure is being implemented to safeguard the health of our members and to abide to the rules announced today by the Department of Health.