Avviz Importantiby Aleandro Bartolo
Għeżież Juventini,
Dawn il-jumejn daħlu ħafna telefonati u messaġġi għall-biljetti tal-Finali tal-Coppa Italia. Ilna snin nirrepetu sabiex tissieħbu membri sħaħ mal-Club kmieni fl-istagun. Dan sabiex meta tasal partita importanti intom tkunu f’posizjoni li titolbu biljett.
Ma tistax tiġi Finali u dak li jkun ma jkunx membru imma xorta jċempel jew jibgħat għal biljett għax sfortunatament ma nkunux f’posizzjoni li naqduh. Juventus ħolqot is-sħubija fil-Fan Club apposta għal skop ta’ biljetti. Min ma jkunx imsieħeb mhux eliġibbli li jitlob biljett mingħandna. Dwejjaq tagħna meta dak li jkun ngħidulu li ma nistgħux naqduh pero’ trid tibda tiġi minnkom ukoll illi tidħlu membri mil-bidu u mhux meta tasal xi partita kbira!
Nisperaw li wara dawn is-snin kollha nirrepetu l-istess kliem, minn Settembru li ġej tidħlu membri sħaħ ħalli nkunu f’pożizzjoni li nkunu nistgħu naqdukom aħjar.
Dear Members,
These past two days committee members have received countless mobile calls and messages enquiring about tickets for the Coppa Italia Final. We have been instructing people for years to pay the membership fee as early as possible once the season commences or even before. This so that when such an important game arrives, members would have the opportunity to acquire tickets through our Club.
One cannot wake up one fine day on the eve of an important game and send messages or call relentlessly for tickets without being a paid up member because unfortunately we would not be in a position to help. Juventus Football Club created the Fan Club system especially for selling tickets. Whoever is not a member of an Official Fan Club is not eligible for a ticket through our Club. We regret every no we have to tell each ineligible member but it needs to come from the individual themselves to see that they are a paid up member of our Club from the outset and not when an important final is approaching!
Hopefully after all these years instructing Juventini of the above, come next September, all those interested in attending a game and all those loyal Juventini will pay their membership fee so that we can accommodate your request for tickets.
Thank you,
The Committee.